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Face Value Facilitation Services – Getting There Together.

We approach facilitation as a unique mix of art and science.

Fundamentally, facilitation is about helping a group of people find common ground and a shared sense of direction.

What we’ve discovered to be most important about effective facilitation boils down to 2 P’s.

Blending People and Purpose

Long before we get into a real or virtual room with your group, we've put in dedicated time and energy to fully understand who you are and what you hope to achieve.

Powerful questions illuminate different perspectives and peel away the layers so that we get to the heart of your issues and aspirations.

With a strong sense of purpose and clarity around what you need to achieve, we customize a facilitation session design that ensures we're all starting at the same point, with the same destination in mind, and a clear road map to get there.

Ultimately, good facilitation creates safe and supportive environments where everyone feels valued, seen, and heard. Our facilitators actively listen to understand individual perspectives, needs, and concerns.


Patience and Adaptability

Sessions often roll out as planned, but sometimes they don't. Patient and adaptable, our facilitators have "been there and dealt with that." Some of our best work surfaces in situations where the discussion simply doesn't unfold the way it was expected to or interpersonal conflict threatens to derail the discussion. We can help you navigate the rough waters so that conflicts and detours are resolved with compassion and confidence.

Face Value sessions are highly interactive, dynamic and productive. There's always some humour thrown into the mix as well because why wouldn't we have some fun along the way?!?

If you’re looking for an experienced and trustworthy guide to help your group find its way on an important issue or priority, let’s connect to talk about how our team can support you.