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What is Leadership CoachinG?

When we talk about Leadership Coaching, what are we talking about?

Leadership Coaching is a powerful tool that creates new awareness, allowing you to leverage your strengths and work on specific areas that might need improvement.

Leadership and Executive Coaching

What is Integral Coaching®?

Integral Coaching® is a discipline that enables clients to become more aware of their current approach to situations, to see new possibilities, and then build sustainable new skills to achieve real outcomes that deeply matter to them.

Built on a proven framework

It’s built on a proven framework that allows you to systematically explore and develop different aspects of yourself:

  • emotional intelligence
  • the physical body
  • cognitive awareness
  • interpersonal relationships
  • spiritual wisdom

At the core of Integral Coaching® is the understanding that we each have our unique way of perceiving and engaging with the world. By exploring your beliefs, values, and assumptions, an Integral Coach can help you gain insight into patterns of behaviour and identify areas for growth.

The coaching journey typically involves a series of structured,
one-on-one conversations between coach and client, with specific goals and a customized development plan.

Discover new insights, new skills and new possibilities.

Through structured conversations, a Leadership Coach provides support and feedback while challenging you to reflect on your behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes. With the Coach’s expert guidance, leaders like you learn to identify and overcome barriers that may be getting in the way of your continuing growth and success.

Leadership Coaching can help you achieve sustainable results that weren’t attainable. Coaching helps to improve decision-making, build emotional intelligence, improve communication, build resilience, and inspire trust.

But you're unsure how to define it, who to talk to about it, or what it might look like.

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An investment that helps you drive positive change

An investment that helps drive positive change throughout your organization.

Through structured conversations, a Leadership Coach provides support and feedback while challenging you to reflect on your behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes. With the Coach’s expert guidance, leaders like you learn to identify and overcome barriers that may be getting in the way of your continuing growth and success.

Leadership Coaching can help you achieve sustainable results that weren’t attainable.

Coaching helps to improve decision-making, build emotional intelligence, improve communication, build resilience, and inspire trust.

Seeing results with Integral Coaching®

Integral Coaching Canada (ICC) co-founder Laura Divine talks about how quickly coaches and clients see results.

Experience the difference.

ICC co-founder Laura Divine and Integral Master Coach™ Steve Beckett talk about how Integral Coaching® can help you see things differently, behave differently and, as a result, achieve different results.

Breathe Easy Guarantee

Investing in a leadership coaching program is a big decision. We’ve made it easier for you by offering a money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your progress by the midway point of the program, you’ll get a full refund.

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A good Leadership Coach will challenge your thinking, stretch your limits, and hold you accountable for what you say you will do.

What are the Differences between Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching?

Frequently used interchangeably, there are some important differences between Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching.

How do you become the leader you need to be?

You need someone in your corner a leadership coach.

Coaching conversations are a safe, confidential space for these vital, sometimes difficult discussions.

To understand yourself, get rid of what is between you, and achieve your most meaningful goals. Together, we can create a concrete plan to build essential skills to help you become the leader you need to be.

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Leadership Coaching focuses on developing individual leadership skills at various organizational levels. It can benefit emerging leaders, mid-level managers, and high-level executives.

Executive Coaching specifically targets senior-level executives and addresses their unique challenges and responsibilities.


Generally, Leadership Coaching targets a broader range of important capabilities that apply across different organizational roles and functions.

Executive coaching zooms in on the specific challenges and demands executives face in their strategic leadership roles (e.g., executive presence, boardroom dynamics, and organizational politics).


Leadership Coaching can have a far-reaching impact as it targets leaders at different levels. It aims to improve effectiveness, elevate team dynamics, and foster a culture of personal growth and leadership development.

Executive Coaching typically focuses on individual executives and their specific needs.

Paving the Way through your Coaching Journey

Making it Work

Today’s leaders have so much to do and so little time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t invest in yourself and your professional development! By working together to design your daily practices, we’ll ensure that they’re practical, valuable and achievable.

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Integral Personal Coach
International Coaching Federation
Certified Resilience Coach

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• Certified leadership and executive coaching

• “Breathe-Easy” guarantee

• Safe, welcoming and confidential

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