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Leadership and Executive Coaching

Leadership Coaching is a powerful partnership.  

It’s a professional development journey drawn up just for you.

Along the way, you’ll rediscover your gifts, capitalize on your strengths, and learn how to equip yourself for the leadership challenges that lie ahead.

Discover new insights, new skills and new possibilities.

Through structured conversations, a Leadership Coach provides support and feedback while challenging you to reflect on your behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes. With the Coach’s expert guidance, leaders like you learn to identify and overcome barriers that are getting in the way of your growth and success.

Leadership Coaching can help you achieve sustainable results that weren’t attainable before. Coaching helps to improve decision-making, build emotional intelligence, improve communication, build resilience, and inspire trust.

Coach and client working together

Derek talks with two clients about the collaborative process of Integral Coaching®.

What is Leadership Coaching?

Master Integral Coach™ and author, Leslie Rohonczy, joins Derek in a conversation about leadership coaching.

Where you’ll find a safe space and a trustworthy guide.

Leaders can find it hard to confide in colleagues, family, or friends, so certified Leadership Coaches offer a safe and confidential space for candid conversations. Through powerful questions and informed insights, the Coach helps you consider new perspectives, explore your vulnerabilities, leverage your strengths, achieve greater objectivity, and gain a clear sense of direction.

A good Leadership Coach will challenge your thinking, stretch your limits, and hold you accountable for what you say you’re going to do.

What are the differences between
Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching?

Often used interchangeably, there are some important differences between Leadership Coaching and Executive Coaching.


Leadership Coaching focuses on developing individual leadership skills at various organizational levels. It can benefit emerging leaders, mid-level managers, and high-level executives.

Executive Coaching specifically targets senior-level executives and addresses their unique challenges and responsibilities.


Generally, Leadership Coaching targets a broader range of important capabilities that apply across different organizational roles and functions.

Executive coaching zooms in on the specific challenges and demands executives face in their strategic leadership roles (e.g., executive presence, boardroom dynamics, and organizational politics).


Leadership Coaching can have a far-reaching impact as it targets leaders at different levels. It aims to improve effectiveness, elevate team dynamics, and foster a culture of personal growth and leadership development.

Executive Coaching typically focuses on individual executives and their specific needs.

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• Certified leadership and executive coaching

• “Breathe-Easy” guarantee

• Safe, welcoming and confidential

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